Tuesday, 28 October 2014

All languages, same root

Have you ever wondered where language came from and why some languages are so similar? Well, here's a very good explanation.

Well, this is my simple explanation. The origins of all language today came from the Creator God.

After all, we humans all originated from the family of Noah in the Bible!

Be nice to one another. We are a family after all!

Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Toxic grammar, need an anti-oxidant

What is this sentence trying to say? I have no idea.

This is a delivery van for a company that sells fresh fruit. Should the sentence be a question or a statement? Grammatically, it is so wrong. Contextually, it makes no sense. How should it read?

My suggestion:

Have you had fruits yet?
Many kinds of fresh fruit are known as anti-oxidants. We eat them to get rid of the toxins accumulated in our bodies from all the other kinds of foods that we eat. I think this company's copywriter needs some anti-oxidants for his English skills, to get rid of all the toxins in his English grammar.

Please do not butcher the English language. Use it correctly.

Happy writing!

Monday, 6 October 2014

Cryptic sign, but we all understand!

I spotted this sign at the supermarket. I have walked by many times but never paid attention to what it said, until that day. What language is this? Even SMS language does not have such abbreviations. Must be a unique combination of Singlish (aka "Singapore English) and fast typing.

The amazing thing is, we all understand the meaning. Wait a bit. The sales person will be back shortly to help you.

Happy shopping!