Friday 1 November 2013

Halloween or Hellowin?

Halloween. People around the world are caught up with horror, scaring one another, dressing up in Gothic-style costumes, children dress up in whatever their parents' think is cute and go house to house saying, "Trick or treat". I do not like Halloween. I have many friends who do not either. What should we do in response?

My Taiwanese friends came up with a great idea for their version of Halloween. They called it "Hellowin". What a great twist of the word! So creative!

They decided that since many of their friends were out doing strange things on Halloween night, why not have a party of their own? A Christian response to Halloween, calling it Hellowin.

I do not know all the details, but I can guess the rationale behind it. You see, a few of them had spent two weeks of August in Singapore. During that time, they learned how to conduct the 1MPFJ (One More Person for Jesus) campaign, to introduce their friends to Jesus. They went home very excited, wanting to implement the programme as soon as they stepped off the plane in Taiwan.

Hellowin is probably a combination of two words: "hello" and "win". "Hello. My name is ..." First I make friends with a stranger or get to know someone even better. "Win" is to "win one more person for Jesus". Put the two words together and you get Hellowin. Add some food and you get a party to make new friends, get to know your old friends better, and introduce them to your best Friend, Jesus! What a great idea!

My Taiwanese friends do not know much English. Who says they cannot get creative with the English language? Besides, a name like that will attract many of their friends of the same age group who are also learning English. What better way than to have a party?

Some of the most creative ways of using the English language have come from learners of English. They don't always get it right, but some things they say are just so "right". The message would not be as punchy if the grammar and sentence structure were correct. Let's appreciate one another's unique way of using English!

Have fun learning about another culture!

Fun Language Tools

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