Monday 2 June 2014

Men vs Women and Toddlers

A male friend of mine was introduced to his friend's son, a toddler, probably no older than three years old. The little boy was being carried in his father's arms, but he seemed to want to run around because he kept fidgeting non-stop.

Trying to be friendly, my friend said to the little boy, "High five. High five." He said this while using his hand to try and get the little boy to return the gesture. It did not work. The boy was more interested in trying to get his father to put him down and let him run around. The father finally did. The two men then carried on their conversation.

I have seen men of every age, shape, size and nationality do the same thing when they meet a child, whether boy or girl, of any age. Some do it gently, others (more likely my big American friends) go, "Hey, buddy, give me a five!" Often, the little boy or girl will respond enthusiastically with a high five and a giggle or two.

As I watched my friend trying so hard to engage the little boy, I started thinking about how women react to toddlers. We do not go "high five". Instead, we may come up with a phrase like the following, or a combination of two or more phrases:

"Oh, you're so cute!"
"What's your name, Honey/Sweetheart?"
"How old are you, Sweetie?" "You are just the cutest little boy/girl!"

Men are from Mars, women are from Venus? Yes, indeed. Our reactions to the same situation are vastly different, as though we are from two different planets. But then, who would want men and women to react in exactly the same way? The world would be so boring!

Let's celebrate our differences as men and women! The world is a happier place because of our differences!

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