Monday 7 July 2014

Don't use bombastic words

Do you use big words in your writing? There was a time in my childhood that "bombastic" was an often-quoted word to describe people who constantly used "big" words to impress others with their so-called command of the English language. Most of the time, the speaker of flowery language had only a vague idea of what he was saying. He had just learned a new word and wanted to show off to his friends how intelligent he was.

Was he really intelligent? Maybe. Unfortunately, the primary purpose of language is communication. Communication is only effective when the listener has fully understood what the speaker/writer is trying to say. Bombastic words fulfill no purpose except to show that the writer is good at his craft. What is he trying to say? I do not really know. Precisely the point of this article. Big words do not always convey the message. It is time to simplify.
A rule of thumb that I was taught in writing a brief message to another person is: write as though a third-grader is going to read your message. If he understands what you said, you have communicated well. Of course, that all depends on the content of your message. Not all communication is meant for third-graders. The point is we have to write simply. There is no place for showing off in daily communication. Be clear of what you want to say, and write it clearly.

The world will be a less confusing place if we all decided to simplify our writing styles.

Here's to clear and concise writing!

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