Wednesday 11 December 2013

We talk food, not politics

UNESCO has recently declared Japanese food as a cultural heritage. Hooray!

I do love Japanese food, cooked and uncooked. I know a few friends who cringe at the thought of eating raw fish. I love it! Being able to eat the fish raw tells me that it is fresh. No need for cooking.

What makes me even more proud is that Chef Li Kwok Wing recently won a contest to crown the best Japanese chef in the world! Chef Li is a China-born Singaporean, better known as Santoro. So who says Chinese and Japanese hate each other? This win proves otherwise. Chef Li is proud to be a chef of Japanese cuisine.

What am I trying to say? Food surpasses all cultural differences. No amount of national pride or poor political relations can interfere with one's love for food. With love for a certain kind of cuisine comes a love for that culture and tradition. Food is a universal language. We all love to eat!

What kind of food do you like?

Bon apetit!

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