Monday 22 October 2012

Embrace a new culture today!

The writer of this article, Linda Collins, has lived in Singapore for about 20 years. She writes about her experience as a newly arrived expat in Singapore. She moved into a local neighbourhood and was promptly invited to a Malay neighbour's family wedding. Because she had never been here (and probably never read up about Singapore and the diverse culture), she was surprised at every turn. Everything was new and to be appreciated. She's obviously loved it so much that she and her family stayed on for so long.

I read Linda's occasional column with great delight. (We used to have a regular Sunday column written by expats living in Singapore, but that has since been changed to an occasional article. Much to my disappointment.) She describes local culture to a "t", sometimes pointing out things that we locals take for granted and therefore, fail to appreciate.

I love how she describes a Chinese funeral, followed by a Malay cleansing ritual, then the Malay wedding, all in a short read. She was thrown into culture before she could even ask questions. But, how she embraced all the differences and colours immediately! Like my friend Liz Stuart, Linda came to Singapore with an open mind. Maybe a bit fearful at first, but how they reached out and jumped right into Singapore culture and life with two feet. And it looks like they'll both be here for a long time more!

Moving to a new culture isn't always easy. Singapore is a mix of both east and west. My American friend who travels to India regularly (and lived in Singapore for 4 years) said that Singapore was always a welcome respite after a trip to India. She absolutely loves India! But "a break would be nice".

I still believe that preparation for that transition into the new culture will help greatly, though never 100%. Reading up on the culture and learning a bit of the language before getting on the plane, will make a difference between disaster and sheer delight. Get a book today! Going cross-cultural is always fun! Prepare your children too! Children adapt so much faster than adults. Get the whole family involved. A book is a great Christmas gift too! Happy learning experiences!

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