Thursday 25 October 2012

Learn a language? Read the Bible

I am so excited! My Scottish-Australian friend wrote in Facebook today that she's reading the Bible in Spanish. This is what she wrote: "I'm reading the bible in Spanish. Do I know Spanish? Not at all but I will by the time I have read it all."

Now how many people in this world would make such an effort? Not many. I do know several languages, but I've read the Bible in those languages simply because I've already learned the language, and therefore, have an understanding as I read the Bible. Of course, whatever I don't understand, I either look at the English version or ask a native speaker what the word or phrase means. What my friend is doing is simply amazing. I salute her for her efforts! May she be enriched and blessed by the language and the content of the Word of God.

The best part of her endeavour is not just learning Spanish, but she will be able to appreciate the nuances of translation and be able to do comparative studies of Bible verses in English and Spanish. One of the blessings (and loads of fun too!) of reading the Bible in different languages is having my eyes and mind opened to the richness of the meaning of a sentence. Different words or phrases may be translated (from the original Hebrew or Greek text) differently because of the limitations of the language. As a result, reading the same text in different languages opens up a fuller meaning of the content. On the other hand, it sometimes shows the inadequacy of translation too. But, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages.

Let me give an example: Genesis 22:14b: "On the mount of the LORD it shall be provided." 创世记二十二:14b: “在耶和华的山上必有预备。” (Chinese version: on Jehovah's mountain there is definite provision.) Kejadian 22:14b: "Di atas gunung TUHAN, akan disediakan." (Indonesian version: on the Lord's mountain, there will be provision.)

I could quote the same verse in other languages, but I wanted to show that the same short sentence translated into different languages from the original Hebrew, come out differently. If I read only 1 language, I would understand the text, but not receive the full meaning because of my limitation in language. So, after reading this verse in 3 languages, what do I understand about God's provision? That as long as I am on God's mountain, He will provide for me - it could be there already, or to come later - but there is definite provision. My understanding is enriched and my heart is at rest.

So take up a challenge today! You can choose to learn a language, then read the Bible, or choose a language that uses the same writing script as your native language, and plunge right into the Bible. Whichever route you choose, you will emerge better for it.

Happy learning!

Fun Language Tools

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