Monday 24 September 2012

Culture of humility

I read this article this morning about Citibank Singapore.  The CEO and Senior Management spent some time doing frontline service, just to understand how customers tick and experience what the frontline staff go through everyday.

One line struck me: "Mr Han said: "It also created a great culture of humility and staff don't see a barrier between them and senior management.""

How often have we heard employees complain about lack of support from management for projects or suggestions?  Yet, Citibank has created just the opposite.  What struck me most was the CEO, Mr Han's, choice of words: "great culture of humility".

How many of us are willing to be humble?  Most times, "proud" or "arrogant" is a more likely word to be used to describe a culture or a people group.  Almost everyone I meet believes that his culture and language is the best in the world, and everyone should be speaking MY language and practising MY culture, rather than learning from one another.

In reality, a culture of humility will take us to many, many places and help us learn so much from others, no matter how much we know.  A culture of humility will open doors to opportunities that may never come our way if we choose to be proud or arrogant.  I still maintain this attitude I am a student.  I don't want this to change, ever.

Thank you, Citibank CEO, for showing us the way to a "great culture of humility".  May you be blessed.

Happy learning, everyone!

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