Wednesday 23 January 2013

Get an edge, learn a language

Poor job market. I can't find a job. I need a job.

Same story around the world. So what do enterprising young Americans do? Go overseas! Can't find work at home? No problem. Let's see what I can find in another country. I'll earn money. I'll learn to live and adapt to a new culture. I'll learn a new language. I may like it so much that I'll never move back to America again. After all, it's A Whole New World out there!

Several years ago, there was an article in the news saying that fresh American graduates were heading to China to teach English. No jobs available for them in America. Young, fresh, energetic, no commitments. Why not?

Lots of Chinese people are learning English because they want to have a better life. Learning English is the key to getting out of the cycle of poverty. The same is true in so many Asian countries. English is the universal language today. Even surfing the Worldwide Web requires some knowledge of English.

But what gives you the edge over someone else with the same qualifications is your knowledge of another language. Today, being bilingual is not enough. It's competitive out there. You want to get ahead? Go learn more than one language. Get good at it. You will never regret the decision.

Don't know where to begin? Start here at Fun Language Tools. Jump right into 2013 with resolve. Learn a new language today! Get an edge over your friends.

Happy learning and communicating!

Fun Language Tools

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